Please use the following links and phone numbers to begin your search for affordable housing:

Dial 2-1-1 from any phone in Washington and you will be connected to a comprehensive information and referral service for housing and other needs.
You can also visit 2-1-1 on the web at
Housing Authorities in Washington State
Apartment Finder
If you are a renter, you should know your rights!
If you reside in Eastern Washington and believe you have experienced housing discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, familial status, marital status, sexual orientation, or military/veteran status, contact Northwest Fair Housing Alliance.
If you reside in Western or Central Washington and believe you have experienced housing discrimination, contact the Fair Housing Center of Washington.
The Tenants Union of Washington offers tenants rights counseling via their hotline: 206-723-0500
To find legal help, contact Northwest Justice Project or their CLEAR hotline: 1-888-201-1014.
Another legal resource from the NW Justice Project is, which includes resources in multiple languages.
Seniors seeking emergency housing help can visit the Emergency Housing Guide from
Mortgage trouble?
Call 1-877-894-HOME (4663)
Homeowners, learn about your new rights at the Department of Commerce's Foreclosure Fairness Act webpage